sâmbătă, 30 mai 2020

Alergiplant pentru alergii alimentare

Alergiile alimentare reprezinta reactii exagerate ale sistemului imunitar, ca urmare a ingestiei unui aliment sau aditiv alimentar.

Alergia alimentara nu trebuie confundata cu intoleranta alimentara sau cu intoxicatia alimentara. Ele implica reactii ale sistemului imunitar. In acest caz, organismul reactioneaza la ingestia unui aliment (alergen), declansand o serie de mecanisme de aparare.

O alergie alimentara survine ca reactie la o proteina ce poate fi prezenta in arahide, lapte de vaca, peste, etc.

Nu exista alergie la un glucide sau lipide, desi poate exista intoleranta la lactoza (un tip de glucid prezent in mod normal in lapte).

In cazul unei alergii, chiar si cea mai mica cantitate de aliment poate provoca simptome.

Medicina alopata spune ca nu exista un tratament curativ pentru alergiile alimentare si ca singura solutie consta in evitarea consumului de alimente alergene. Totusi, odata desensibilizat organismul cu ajutorul ceaiurilor AlergiPlant, treptat treptat se poate consuma si acel aliment care a provocat reactia 

Simptomele alergiei pot fi usoare sau foarte grave si chiar potential fatale: dificultati in respiratie, pierderea constientei sau aritmie in cazul unui soc anafilactic.

Alergiile alimentare pot surveni la orice varsta, dar apar in general inainte de 4 ani. La aceasta varsta, sistemul digestiv si cel imunitar nu sunt inca maturizate, fiind mai susceptibile la alergii. Unele alergii se atenueaza sau dispar odata cu trecerea timpului.

marți, 26 mai 2020

Polenoderm remediu natural pentru cosuri si acnee

Polenoderm este recomandat in:


Acnee stafilococica

Acnee streptococica

Acneea juvenila

Acnee rozacee

Acnee chistica

Acnee vulgara

Acnee severã (acnee conglobatã, nodulochisticã 

Acnee determinatã de medicamente (corticoizi – sistemici ºi topici, anticonvulsivante (fenitoin), izoniazide, vitamina B12, steroizi anabolizanti, iodul

Acneea mecanicã (traumatisme mecanice – stoarcere, frecare),

Acneea la clor ( atenþie la înotul în bazin ºi  piscine clorinate intens

Acnee la detergent (persoane care se spalã prea des pe faþã cu detergenti)

Cosuri pe cap

Cosuri pe fata

Cosuri purulente

Cosuri sub piele

Noduli rosii








luni, 25 mai 2020

Alergii alimentare


Alergiile alimentare reprezinta reactii exagerate ale sistemului imunitar, ca urmare a ingestiei unui aliment sau aditiv alimentar.

Alergia alimentara nu trebuie confundata cu intoleranta alimentara sau cu intoxicatia alimentara. Ele implica reactii ale sistemului imunitar. In acest caz, organismul reactioneaza la ingestia unui aliment (alergen), declansand o serie de mecanisme de aparare.

O alergie alimentara survine ca reactie la o proteina ce poate fi prezenta in arahide, lapte de vaca, peste, etc.

Nu exista alergie la un glucide sau lipide, desi poate exista intoleranta la lactoza (un tip de glucid prezent in mod normal in lapte).

In cazul unei alergii, chiar si cea mai mica cantitate de aliment poate provoca simptome.

Medicina alopata spune ca nu exista un tratament curativ pentru alergiile alimentare si ca singura solutie consta in evitarea consumului de alimente alergene. Totusi, odata desensibilizat organismul cu ajutorul ceaiurilor AlergiPlant, treptat treptat se poate consuma si acel aliment care a provocat reactia 

Simptomele alergiei pot fi usoare sau foarte grave si chiar potential fatale: dificultati in respiratie, pierderea constientei sau aritmie in cazul unui soc anafilactic.

Alergiile alimentare pot surveni la orice varsta, dar apar in general inainte de 4 ani. La aceasta varsta, sistemul digestiv si cel imunitar nu sunt inca maturizate, fiind mai susceptibile la alergii. Unele alergii se atenueaza sau dispar odata cu trecerea timpului.

Principalele alimente alergene

Cea mai mare parte a reactiilor alergice sunt provocate de anumite proteine din:

- oua

- arahide

- peste

- fructe de mare (crab, homar si creveti)

- nuci, migdale, nuci braziliene, alune, fistic

La copii, principalele alimente cu potential alergenic sunt:

- lapte de vaca Alergia la laptele de vaca survine cel mai frecvent la sugari, inaintea introducerii alimentelor solide.

- unele cereale: grau, orz, ovaz, secara

- soia

- seminte de susan

Semne si simptome

Semnele alergiei apar de obicei la cateva minute dupa ingerarea alimentului in cauza (in maxim doua ore).

Natura si intensitatea semnelor variaza de la o persoana la alta. Ele pot include unele din simptomele urmatoarele, singure sau in asociatie:

- simptome cutanate: prurit (mancarimi), eruptii, eritem (inrosire), tumefactia fetei, a buzelor

- simptome respiratorii: respiratie suieratoare (wheezing), dispnee, jena respiratorie

- simptome digestive: crampe abdominale, diaree, colici, greturi si varsaturi

- simptome cardiovasculare: paloare, hipotensiune arteriala, pierderea constientei

Reactiile alergice severe – soc anafilactic – au manifestari grave si adesea mortale:

- ingustarea cailor respiratorii, ce antreneaza dificultati in respiratie

duminică, 24 mai 2020

Pentru alergia alimentara exista Alergiplant

Alergiplant  modulator natural al microbiomului intestinal care provoaca alergii alimentare . 

Trateaza-ti in mod natural alergia cu Alergiplant, !

joi, 21 mai 2020

Rolul microbiotei intestinale în afecțiunile neuromusculare la câini paralizați

May 28th – June 05th, 2020


VOLUME 13 ISSUE 2, 2020 
ISSN 2601-5102


28 Mai – 07 iunie 2020, on-line

miercuri, 20 mai 2020

Cum sa tratezi paralizia unui caine

Daca ai un caine paralizat trebuie sa citesti aceasta lucrare.
Acum exista o sansa si pentru cainele tau paralizat
Cauta Polenoplasmin!

marți, 19 mai 2020

Polenoderm pentru acnee

Cu Polenoderm  acneea dispare de la sine . Acest remediu actioneaza asupra cauzelor interne care declanseaza astfel de afectiuni

luni, 18 mai 2020


Datorita compozitiei bogate in agenti antioxidanti, antiinflamatorii, aminoacizi, minerale si vitamine naturale, molecule neuroregeneratoare, produsul neuropolen ofera posibilitati diverse de a echilibra procesele care au loc la nivelul celulei nervoase si placii neuromusculare, de a accelera regenerarea suturilor nervilor periferici, prin declansarea proceselor de autovindecare ale organismului.

marți, 12 mai 2020


Neuropolen  contribuie la menținerea sănătății funcției neuromusculare fiind de un real folos în terapia fibromialgiei, afecțiunilor neurologice, ...

Prezentare: 30 capsule.
Producător: Deniplant Romania

Neuropolen  este caracterizat ca fiind un remediu natural alimentar  destinat stimulării metabolismului cerebral, refacerea și însănătoșirea sistemului neuromuscular dar şi al funcţiei cognitive, fiind totodată şi un puternic antioxidant

 Rolul acestuia este de a menţine excitabilitatea membranei celulare şi echilibrul osmotic (concentraţia de ioni din celule), creşterea cantităţii de glucoză metabolizată în creier, producţia de energie, conţinutul de fosfolipide, stimulează producţia de acetilcolină şi alti neurotransmiţători.

Indicații pentru Neuropolen 
Afecțiuni ale sistemului nervos: polineuropatii, spondiloză cervicală, fibromialgie primară şi secundară, neuropatie periferica, scleroză medulară, scleroză multiplă, incontinență urinară și/sau anală, sechele AVC, boala Alzheimer, boala Parkinson,

 Sclerodermie, spondiloza cervicala, , Distonie Neurovegetativă,  afecțiuni ale coloanei vertebrale, nevralgii,  nevrită, paralizie facială, tulburări de coordonare motorie, convulsii (prevenire), necroză cerebrală, tulburări ale reflexelor, poliartrită reumatoidă, , hemiplegie, ataxie,  parestezii, astenie musculară, miastenie, amorțeală,. 

Pentru Neuropatii se administrează concomitent cu produsul Imuniplant

Tratamentul determină ameliorări încă din primele zile de utilizare, doar în situații foarte grave sau vechi acestea apar uneori după 3 - 6 săptămâni.

luni, 11 mai 2020

Centrul de Biomedicina Deniplant-Aide Sante

La noi se face medicina anilor 2050.
Deepscoperim cauzele bolilor si le tratam cu nutraceutice -acele alimente cu dublu rol, de nutritie si de sanatate. 
Suna la 0744827881 pt programare

sâmbătă, 9 mai 2020

Astazi este prima zi cand EGO va prinde viata datorita unei echipe de tineri entuziasti de la scoalainformala IT care vor sa te ajute sa fii in premanenta sanatos

Salut, suntem echipa EGO de la munte,, de la mare si-n orice imprejurare  aici, la Challenge Accepted Hackathon scriem o linie de cod pentru sanatatea tuturor!

Astazi este prima zi cand EGO va prinde viata datorita unei echipe de tineri entuziasti de la scoalainformala IT  care vor sa te ajute  sa fii in premanenta sanatos 

joi, 7 mai 2020

EGO - Deniplant

EGO - Deniplant incearca  sa prinda viata peste cateva zile .
Fiti alaturi de noi pentru ca e sanatatea voastra in joc.
De voi depinde daca vreti sa fiti in permanenta sanatosi

sâmbătă, 2 mai 2020

Microbiomul si Covid -19

Iata ca ceea ce eu spun de la inceputul pandemiei devine realitate.
Microbiomul interactioneaza cu virusul Covid -19 si poate genera afectiuni diverse.
Asadar hai sa tratam microbiomul . !
Mai devreme sau mai tarziu se va dovedi ca neuroimunomodulatorul viral de la Deniplant poate modula microbiomul si in cazul afectiunilor generate de Covid -19

Tratament psoriazis

Cum sa iti tratezi psoriazisul in 2020

Neuroimunomodulator antiviral un remediu impotriva afectiunilor produse de covid -19

Centrul de Biomedicină Deniplant -Aide Sante 
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, 012371, Romania
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, 031593, Romania
email correspondence author: deniplant@gmail.com

Current state of knowledge
During these months of 2020, all the attention of doctors and researchers is directed towards discovering the extremely efficient methods of treating Covid-19 infected patients.
As soon as it appeared at the end of 2019, SARS-CoV-2, renamed Covid-19 a few weeks later by the Health Organization (WHO), looked like a flu, but the virus actually produced a much more complex disease.
Covid-19 infection is a very complex respiratory, renal, neurological disease. Covid-19 infection causes symptoms such as dry cough, respiratory problems, fever, but there are lesser known symptoms that may indicate the presence of Covid-19 in some patients. Among 
these less well-known signs of illness are digestive problems, chills, confusion, headaches.
About 8% of patients infected with Covid-19 have frequent headaches, according to a medical study published in the Lancet. Also, dizziness is quite common, if it is intense, it is most likely a patient with a more severe form of Covid-19 infection. Disease and confusion may be 
the only symptoms that prove Covid-19 presence in the body. A report from a health care center in Washington showed that of 35% of people who were Covid-19 positive, half had no symptoms.
Lymph node follicles are the most important tissue reservoir for Covid-19. In asymptomatic patients, Covid-19 is present only in the lymph, where the contact with the immune system begins where the virus infects the follicular CD4+ T cells (Th cells) present there and the existing bacteria, and if the virus does not circulate further the disease does not appear. If the virus reaches the bloodstream (1-2% of cases), complications, inflammatory cytokine storm and hypercoagulability occur. Dysbiosis of the nasopharyngeal microbiome attracts dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiome and activation of the intestinal microbiome-
brain axis. If you intervene quickly at the first sign of disease with the modulation of the activity of the microbiome, the implication of the immune system (neuroimmunomodulation) is suppressed the appearance of the disease.
There is the microbiome: buccal, nasal, intestinal, cardiac, dermal, even the microbiome in the brain with which Covid-19 interacts. When the evolution is complicated, it is necessary to intervene with drug treatment to support the affected organs. Although there is renal impairment, coronaviruses and their traces were not found in the urine of patients. Knowing that the infection also causes digestive symptoms, oronaviruses have been shown in faeces.
It is said that in 1-2% of cases Covid-19 reaches the bloodstream.
Some patients have symptoms such as confusion, restlessness, anxiety, malaise. These manifestations raise questions about the impact of Covid-19 on the brain and nervous system. Neurological symptoms are manifested by loss of smell, taste, neurological pain, even thrombotic strokes. In patients with confusion or agitation, brain scans revealed inflammatory processes. Virulent and deadly, Covid-19 even spreads to the brain in some patients.
The microbiome is essential for promoting immune function for disease prevention and control. Specifically, with regard to viral infections, there must be an adequate immune response to protect the body. The intestinal microbiota with low diversity will consequently
lead to a deficient immune function.
Eighty percent of immune cells reside in the gastrointestinal tract. Strokes and cases of encephalitis have been reported. To a lesser extent, the impairment of the olfactory nerve has been described, which causes difficulties in the perception of smell, taste.
Any process that disrupts bowel-brain communication can lead to neurological complications. It seems that some of the patients have serious problems of mental disorder, confusion that even generates forgetting where they are. This state of disorder of spatio-temporal orientation due to lack of oxygen in the blood, many patients end up having the brain (with microthrombosis) more affected than the lungs.
Dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota may lead to impaired brain function. The microbiota, the intestine and the brain communicate through the microbiota-intestine-brain axis in a bidirectional way.
With the help of natural remedies the brand Deniplant the authors have made several products for autoimmune, metabolic and neurological disorders that act as immunomodulators of the human microbiome.
We assume that the Covid-19 virus creates a dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiome.
Virologists have reported that Covid-19 can affect the brain and nervous system (this link has been seen with other viruses).
Viruses can affect the brain in two main ways. The first pathway is triggered by an abnormal immune response, called a "cytokine storm", which causes inflammation of the brain: this process is called autoimmune encephalitis. The second pathway consists of a direct
infection of the brain and is called viral encephalitis. The brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier to block invasive substances, but it can sometimes be crossed. Some researchers have hypothesized that the nose may be a pathway to the brain, as odor loss is a common symptom for many patients with Covid-19, but the theory is not verified and many patients who lose their odor have no neurological problems. serious. The intestinal microbiota may influence the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Project motivation The reason why the discovery could be important is to continue learning how the gut microbiome can influence brain function and behavior, and the fact that it may have its own population of bacteria could be a real benchmark.
A healthy gut microbiome is crucial in creating an adequate response to coronavirus.
A diverse microbiome is a healthy microbiome, which contains many different species that each play a role in immunity and health. Specialists from all over the world are trying to unravel the mysteries around the coronavirus, trying to understand how it works in the 
body. These neurological manifestations are thought to raise questions about the impact of Covid-19 on the brain and nervous system.
The motivation of the project is the study of the influence of the intestinal microbiota in terms of health and the appearance of symptoms in Covid-19 infection. In all the conditions that are determined by Covid-19 there is a close link between the microbiome and these conditions. The diversity of the microbiome decreases as we age, it could help to explain some of the symptoms related to age, changes in immune responses, so it is necessary to maintain a healthy microbiome throughout life. If the patient feels confused, if he has trouble thinking, there are reasons to analyze the bidirectional bowel-brain relationship.
The main objective 
Increased immunity is the best barrier to viruses, including Covid-19. The most important barrier in its pathway is a competent immune system. A varied diet is essential for immunity. Natural therapies (neuroimmunomodulation) targeting the microbiome may play a 
role in the fight with Covid-19. The research focuses on the topic of maintaining the balance of the normal intestinal microbiota and its interaction with Covid-19.
Specific objectives
The diagnosis of Covid-19 infection is currently based on the detection of viral nucleic acid by real-time PCR in nasopharyngeal exudate, brohoalveolar lavage or tracheobronchial aspiration. In this project, we will discuss the biological interaction on the intestinal-brain microbiome axis and explore how this communication may be involved in neurological complications in Covid-19 infection. We aim to highlight new ideas in changing the composition of the intestinal microbiota, which may occur as a result of Covid-19 infection, and to try a promising therapeutic approach to treat CNS disorders by euroimmunomodulation using natural remedies (bacteriophage Deniplant). The goal is to 
build and use halimeters equipped with special sensors that can measure the state of the oral, nasal, esophageal, pulmonary, intestinal microbiome, making an EGO software (digital Alterego) equipped with artificial intelligence, as an extension of its own memory for storing 
and processing all habits related to human health and the microbiome.
Expected results
Currently the treatment is symptomatic and supportive, there is no etiological treatment. The new findings will help us better understand how to care for the patient infected with Covid-19 and the nerve complications that occur.
It was surprisingly concluded that probiotics could be useful in therapy against Covid-19. The composition of the human gut microbiota changes over time, when the diet changes and with the change of health.
The authors are convinced that in the near future natural remedies that act as neuroimmunomodulators of the intestinal microbiome will be effective in the infection with Covid-19, thus achieving the desire to create those foods with a dual role of function, nutrition 
and health.
Project evaluation
The present studies refer to the immunomodulation of the intestinal microbiota that influences the immune system to prevent the storm of inflammatory cytokines in the brain.
The brain and gastrointestinal tract are tightly connected to form a two-way neuro-neural communication system. The communication between the intestine and the brain is based on the intestine-brain axis, which is so well established that the functional state of the intestine is always linked to the functional state of the brain.
These findings suggest the role of the intestinal microbiome in modulating Covid-19 infection.
The results of the studies are promising, but so far there are no certainties.
 Too many people talk about Covid-19 without relying on scientific data and without proper knowledge.

Videoclip psoriazis

