sâmbătă, 15 februarie 2020

Tratament pentru psoriazis la Centrul de Biomedicina Deniplant -Aide Sante din Bucuresti Romania.

Tratament pentru psoriazis la Centrul de Biomedicina Deniplant -Aide Sante  din Bucuresti Romania. 
Psoriazisul este o afectiune autoimuna care poate avea ca si cauza disbioza microbiomului intestinal si cutanat.  Detalii vedeti in lucrarea :" Modularea naturala a microbiomului intestinal si cutanat la pacientii cu psoriazis " prezentata in biblioteca online pe site www.deniplant.ro/biomedicina 
La Centrul de Biomedicina din Bucuresti putem trata eficient disbioza microbiomului intestinal si cutanat astfel: 
1. Consultatie generala . 
2. Analize medicale. 
3. Consiliere microbiom, 
4. Consilere nutritionala, 
5. Program EGO urmarire zilnica sanatate si nutritie, 
6. Remediile naturale Deniplant  personalizate. 
Pretul acestor servicii este de 2000 euro . 

Incepand cu a doua luna de tratament pana la vindecarea completa asiguram :  
1. Remediile naturale deniplant personalizate trimise la domiciliul pacientului , 
2. Consultatie online pentru urmarirea starii de sanatate si nutritie : 
 pretul acestor servicii este  :75 euro /luna. 

Tratamentul poate dura intre 4-6 luni, dar poate depasi si 1 an in functie de cum raspunde organismul fiecarui pacient in parte.

Treatment for psoriasis at the Deniplant -Aide Sante Biomedicine Center in Bucharest Romania.  
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that can cause dysbiosis of the gut and skin microbiome.  See details in the paper: "Natural modulation of the intestinal and cutaneous microbiome in patients with psoriasis" presented in the online library on the website www.deniplant.ro/biomedicina 
At the Biomedicine Center in Bucharest we can treat dysbiosis of the intestinal and cutaneous microbiome efficiently as follows: 
1. Consultation  general. 
2. Medical analysis.  
3. Microbiome counseling, 
4. Nutrition counseling, 
5. EGO daily health and nutrition program, 
6. Personalized Deniplant natural remedies.  
The price of these services is 2000 euros.  

Starting with the second month of treatment until complete healing we ensure: 
1. Personalized natural remedies sent to the patient's home, 
2. Online consultation for health and nutrition monitoring: 
The price of these services is 75 euros / month.  

The treatment may last between 4-6 months, but may exceed 1 year depending on how the body responds to each patient.

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