miercuri, 15 iunie 2022

Am fost bolnav de psoriazis

Am fost bolnav de psoriazis si cu Deniplant m-am vindecat. 
Cu 40 de ani in urma am fost bolnav de psoriazis  timp de 7 ani . Pentru ca toti medicii mi-au spus ca psoriazisul este o boala incurabila, nu am acceptat acest lucru si am cautat solutia in alta parte. 
Am studiat multe documente si carti in care erau prezentate plantele medicinale si tratamentele naturale folosite de generatiile anterioare.
Astfel am descoperit o combinatie de plante medicinale, fructe de padure si muguri de pomi fructiferi, din care am facut un ceai, pe care l-am baut zilnic timp de 2,5 ani .
Astfel fara unguente sau alte medicamente, pielea s-a vindecat de la sine .
 Vazand aceste rezultate am creat un produs nou numit Deniplant si inregistrat ca marca in Romania si in Uniunea Europeana si am obtinut un brevet de inventie pentru acest procedeu de tratare a psoriazisului.
In cei 25 de ani de cand ceaiul Deniplant pentru psoriazis este pe piata, a fost folosit de zeci de mii de bolnavi de psoriazis pentru a se vindeca.  
Studiind in continuare modalitatea de actionare a tratamentului urmat de mine, am descoperit ca au fost cercetatori care au studiat actiunea microbiomului intestinal la pacientii cu psoriazis. 
Plecand de la aceste lucrari stiintifice, impreuna cu Prof. Dr. Manole Cojocaru, profesor si cercetator stiintific gradul 1  la facultatea de medicina din cadrul univesitatii Titu Maiorescu din Bucuresti Romania am perfectionat formula ceaiului  descoperita de mine si am creat un imunomodulator natural al microbiomului intestinal si cutanat care poate trata afectiuni autoimune, metabolice neurologice.
In anul 2019 am creat un centru de Biomedicina unde descoperim legatura dintre afectiunile autoimune, metabolice, neurologice, genetice si microbiomul uman.
    Centrul de Biomedicina are o implicare larga si extinsa atat in cercetare cat si in aplicarea rezultatelor cercetarii.    Incercam sa elucidam cauzele bolilor si sa gasim noi modalitati de a le diagnostica si trata.    In cazul gamei Remediilor naturale Deniplant, in urma experientei acumulate , produsele noastre sunt unice prin faptul ca moduland reactiile microbiomului, pot declansa procesele de autovindecare ale organismului.    Aceasta capacitate a organismului de refacere celulara, cu ajutorul alimentelor functionale, care ofera organismului o varietate mare de vitamine, minerale, aminoacizi si chiar enzime naturale, este deja dovedita stiintific.

I had psoriasis and I was cured with Deniplant.

 40 years ago I was suffering from psoriasis for 7 years.  
Because all the doctors told me that psoriasis is an incurable disease, I did not accept this and looked for the solution elsewhere.

 I studied many documents and books that presented the medicinal plants and natural treatments used by previous generations.

 Thus I discovered a combination of medicinal plants, berries and fruit tree buds, from which I made a tea, which I drank daily for 2.5 years.

 Thus, without ointments or other medicines, the skin healed on its own.

 Seeing these results, I created a new product called Deniplant and registered as a trademark in Romania and in the European Union and I obtained a patent for this psoriasis treatment procedure.

 In the 25 years since Deniplant psoriasis tea has been on the market, it has been used by tens of thousands of psoriasis sufferers to cure itself.

 Continuing to study how I was treated, I found that there were researchers who studied the action of the gut microbiome in patients with psoriasis.

 Starting from these scientific papers, together with Prof. Dr. Manole Cojocaru, professor and 1st degree scientific researcher at the medical faculty of Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest Romania, I perfected the tea formula I discovered and created a natural immunomodulator of the intestinal microbiome.  and skin that can treat autoimmune, metabolic neurological disorders.

 In 2019 we created a Biomedicine Center where we discover the connection between autoimmune, metabolic, neurological, genetic diseases and the human microbiome.

 The Biomedicine Center has a wide and extensive involvement both in research and in the application of research results.  We try to elucidate the causes of diseases and find new ways to diagnose and treat them.  In the case of the Deniplant Natural Remedies range, based on the experience gained, our products are unique in that by modulating the reactions of the microbiome, they can trigger the body's self-healing processes.  This ability of the body to restore cells, with the help of functional foods, which provide the body with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and even natural enzymes, is already scientifically proven.

Gheorghe Giurgiu-scientific pioneer, researcher and inventor with inventions and innovations in several fields, mechanics, electronics, weapons, medicine.
 I participate in domestic and international conferences and congresses with studies and papers on the natural modulation of the intestinal and skin microbiota.
 I am the director of the medical education show Meloterapia
 Research director at the Deniplant Aide Sante Biomedicine Center
 Manufacturer of Natural Remedies Deniplant for autoimmune, metabolic and neurological disorders

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